Monday, January 7, 2008

Dresses Dresses and more Dresses

There are a lot of really pretty dresses for only 1L at La Reina, quite a few so i'm only going to show you my favorite since I've got a lot more Freebies to nab up!

Also came across this nice little beach, so i looked around a bit. Haven't yet looked around the actual sims in sl, but i am impressed with what I've seen, anyway the dresses cute :) so go get them!

ok so I have to admit to you right now. I am a Dress FREAK, I love them, and I don't think you'll ever see me not wearing one, RL or SL. I found this one, it's so pretty so I decided to pose for you. Ta Da!!! Found this one at Innovations.

Fell down, so tired, must shop mooooreee......

Dress: Fashionity Fantasy 0L

Fur Shawl: MNK*SHOP 1L

Little Bunnies telling me to stop Stepping on them: Priceless